Please disregard this page – We are NOT currently accepting guest contributed content for Momdot (updated July 2020).
Interested in writing for us?
Are you a blogger or author with experience in cooking, recipe making, DIY projects, or parenting?
Are you looking to get more exposure to your own blog and leverage the 500K+ Pageviews that Momdot gets each and every month?
We are currently accepting guest contributed content for Momdot.
Current Contributor Topics:
- Cooking
- Recipes
- DIY Projects (no round ups where you are putting together various projects please – we only want individually written content.
- Parenting
- Self-Improvement for Women
- Funny or educational information for Moms
We favor submissions that come with lots of unique images & you must write on a very specific topic. We are not currently accepting submissions for general topics.
Round up posts and list-based articles are typically rejected.
About Our Site:
We currently get over 500,000 page views per month and continue to grow. We have 97,000 followers on Pinterest, and have a Facebook fan page of over 17,000 fans. Momdot has been producing content in the Food & DIY project space since 2007. Your article will be pinned on Pinterest to ensure maximum exposure to our readers.
How long should my article be?
The minimum length of any guest contributed article is 1,200 words. Most of our submissions are closer to 2,000 words of extremely high quality and informational content. Not all submissions are accepted. If you want to ensure your submission is accepted, please focus on providing us with the highest quality article on your first submission. High quality original pictures (not stock images) will also go a long way when it comes to credibility.
Do you have any formatting requirements?
Yes – paragraphs should be no longer than 3-4 sentences, and you should use AP style writing. We also prefer to have proper references we can include for linking to relevant topics. You can include one link to your website in the article, and another in your bio at the end of the article (all articles should have a 100 or so word bio about you & your brand).
How Does the Process Work?
If you are interested in writing for us, you can reach out to us via the contact form below. Please fill out your contact information and include the topic you’d like to write about. We will respond to you within 24 hours and let you know if your topic is approved and give you further instructions before you write your article.