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MomDot in Parents Magazine!

This month (July) in Parents Magazine, you can see Charlotte and I (and two other bloggers) on page 16. We are competing in the Blueprint Baby Nursery Challenge.

My first post for the nursery challenge is here, but please come back over the next few weeks to watch it all unfold! My nursery is all done and I am itching to share the final shots…ack! I really love it to be honest.

I am trying to be patient and share on schedule, but its soooo hard.

This is my first national magazine publish with my blog name, so that was also a very cool thing to share with Baby Phoenyx when he gets older. Of course…its not Charlotte’s.


20 thoughts on “MomDot in Parents Magazine!”

  1. This is so awesome! Not only are you in Parents Magazine, but you and your daughter are so stinking cute!

  2. Love the fan idea. We have fans in all of the bedrooms. It makes such a difference … year round! My oldest asked for a flower fan for the room she shares with her sister for her last birthday. An odd request from a 4 year old but they LOVE that flower fan!

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