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Monthly Saving Challenge Printables

Monthly Saving Challenge Printables are a great way to learn how to save and teach kids on having goals! While this printable is from 2015, the savings is the same here in the upcoming new year. Download this FREE Monthly Savings Challenge and get on the path to the ultimate success a little at a time.

The first money savings printable one is about getting into a monthly savings habit. You can accumulateย $1050 this year in 2015 just by starting small and working your way through the year,ย then saving a little less as you work your way through the holiday season.

 Month to Month and Yearly Save Goal: FREE Printable to keep you on track! 2018

Like all of you, I cannot believe its a new year. Every year when we switch over to January I feel hopeful. Hopeful of what is to come, thankful that its a new beginning, and excited to create new memories! And one of the promises I made myself last year after purchasing a new home and being just year into not one but two new car payments, was that I would focus more on saving money, reducing debt and reusing what I have.

If anyone is guilty of out with the old in with the new, it is me. I had finally gotten to a comfortable place with savings and debt when so many things changed for me. I gave up my car that was free of a payment for my grandmother, putting me into a second car note. I moved houses to keep my daughter from entering a crime filled middle school, costing me a down payment on a new house and balancing two mortgages when my old place didnt sell and the expenses have piled up. Even so, I am grateful! I have a roof (HA, TWO!) over my head, I can pick my kids up from school and there is enough food on my table every night. But in a lot of ways I also set myself back to almost 5 years ago in terms of finances and between you and I, I have no plans to work till I am 90.

So its time to get busy on the new year!

ย All you have to do is hit them for a PDF to download.

Monthly Saving Challenge Printables

The second printable is a weekly, monthly and yearly goal sheet. Personallyย sometimes seeing the goal on a piece of paper can really help me focus! This is also great for your kids. I created this in 2 fun color palettes!ย ย Of course these printables are just simple rainy day fund printables. When it comes to really putting away money you will need a longer term plan and other ways to incorporate getting the best out of your money.

Money Goal Printable Sheets

2015 weekly, monthly, and yearly printable goal sheet

2015 weekly, monthly, and yearly printable goal sheet

Remember its never too early, nor too late, to get on the path to financial success and 2018 is a great time to do so! Keep in touch with me and tell me all the ways you love to save (and to spend!) over on my Facebook page here.

Looking for a better plan? Do not forget to download the 52 week money challenge for kids and the 52 week money challenge for teens here.


32 thoughts on “Monthly Saving Challenge Printables”

  1. I am working on saving more money this year. I have seen a lot of different way to save all leading up to about the same amount. I love how it is easy to find a simple plan to get you to the same place

  2. This is a great way to set goals for your spending. Writing it down is a great help to me. I will have to print off some of these great printables.

  3. We are savers in our house since I am a stay at home mom….and these fun printables will help!!! I especially love the rainy day ones. Hmmm….what can I buy with those?? ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. These are amazing printables, thank you so much for sharing them. We’re trying to stick with our monthly budget this year, so far so good.

  5. I totally love these printables and definitely downloading them! It’s so cool to see that an extra savings of $25 per week can get you that iPad, digital camera, or designer bag…or even a week-end vacation with the family! ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. I’ve always wanted to try one of these savings challenges! They look so fun! And of course the big chunk of cash at the end would be great! I’ll definitely be giving this a try!

  7. These are awesome! I am always looking for way to remind myself to save! I think I will print these off and put them in my planner! Thank you for sharing them.

  8. These are really nice. I might actually print some of these out. I’ve been doing really well with saving money for the past few months. My husband and I are saving up to get a house, so I’ve been saving as much as possible.

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