Need some inspiration for a great homemade mothers day handprint art? Phoenyx came home with this from his classroom and it’s just so cute I had to share! Made with a little yellow hand print ( could be any color for any color haired mom) and laminated with a little “Thank you mom” poem, this is one mom would love to keep forever!
With mothers day just around the corner, I wanted to make it easy for anyone passing on a mothers day gift to be able to make this art with a child. I have created a free printable (see below)that you can download below and then complete the hand print and any additional decoration you want- like the little ribbon on this one.
When it comes to working with kids, you need very little supplies but its always good to have construction paper and acrylic paint
on hand. Here are the two we use if you want to grab a set. For me, its easier to order things online versus having to bring the little’s out to the store, know what I mean?
Apple Barrel Acrylic Paint Set, 18 Piececonstruction paper
Download your Free Printable Hand Print
To make it easy, I have made a FREE PRINTABLE SHEET so you can print off and add your child’s hand print in the middle to gift! Simply print the size you need, up to an 8×10.
PRINT HERE <———— click this or the image below
Add your poem on a piece of construction paper or two to frame it and then laminate for longevity.
See more Handprint art here or head over to Free Printables to find more! <——————-MORE BEFORE YOU GO!!!!!!!!