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Pottery Barn Kids Anywhere Chair

I can’t believe that this year is over.

It certainly has been a whirlwind. Little P has grown into a toddler and nothing is safe. Not the cats, the dog, the sister, the parents, or any drawer in the house. I love watching him grow and even if it tries my patience on a minute by minute basis, seeing him accomplish things on his own and find interests never gets old.

Around here skills change constantly.

I won’t let him do it alone, but he understands that stairs require delicacy and has learned to tread carefully. With some help he can also scramble up on the couch and now can get off on his own that doesn’t include a direct hit to the hardwood.

I have found the Perfect Chair for a Toddler or Baby!

When Phoenyx got his new Pottery Barn Kids Anywhere Chair he felt a new found sense of independence that he could do it on his own.

I swear he felt like a “big boy” even though he is only 15 months old. Maybe 16. I have lost count.

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He scrambled and got a book and sat to read.

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Later in the day when Mickey Mouse Club House came on, the only show that can keep his attention longer than 5 minutes, I moved the chair so he could watch.

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Of course it didn’t take long before the cats realized they could sit on a chair and not jump far. It has now become Paprikas favorite place to sleep in the house and thankfully has a removable cover so I can wash it.

Pottery Barn Kids


What I like about the Anywhere Chair:

  • Its extremely light and has a handle on the top that allows you to bring it to any room or up and down the stairs
  • It comes in 3 easy pieces that you put into the chair and zip into place. Assembly is about 2-5 minutes
  • Washable Cover
  • Customizable and personalization
  • Variety of colors

Things to note about this Pottery Barn Chair (Anywhere chair):

I didn’t realize that the chair was foam pieces when I looked online. It is and it surprised me. That is what keeps it so lightweight. My first impression was that there was no way this would work but once it was together and after a few weeks of usage, I haven’t had any problems with losing shape. I already like it better than some of the bean bag alternatives for this age group.

The Pottery Barn Kids Anywhere Chair is larger than you think.

I know this picture is fuzzy, but I snapped it the other day when they were all watching TV together..including the dog.

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You can of course find a chair like this that is PERFECT for the toddler in your life, and take a look at all Pottery Barn Kids Christmas ideas by heading to their site.



*chair provided by Pottery Barn to facilitate this article

9 thoughts on “Pottery Barn Kids Anywhere Chair”

  1. I am so glad you posted Charlotte in the chair too, I’ve been trying to get an idea of how a taller/older child would fit in it. We had a chair similar to that when my oldest was younger and we LOVED it.

  2. I love the PB anywhere chair! Both my kids have one with their names on them. My son has had his for 3 years now (he’s 4) and the chair has flatten out some but I am definitely happy with how it has held up. And he still fits in it perfectly. My daughter’s is almost a year old (she’ll be 2 next month) and it still basically looks brand new.

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