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Great Ways to Make the Most of Your Time As a Stay At Home Mom (SAHM)

As a SAHM, how many times have you heard your friends complain about having to go to work every day? You probably hear it from your friends all the time. They complain about how their bosses have no idea how to run a department and how they know that someone threw their lunch away… then they look at you and say how much they wish they could stay at home and immediately follow it up with a “what do you do all day?”

Sometimes all you can do is laugh when they ask you that question because they think that because you don’t commute to work that you just sit at home and watch the “soaps” or reality TV all day. Why do people think that? As if being a mom isn’t a job in itself… it makes you want to hit them with the witty, yet not extremely comeback of “For your information…” with that “as a matter of fact” look on your face.

But you can’t be mad at them because they probably genuinely don’t know and because you’re their friend, you have to educate on what stay at home moms actually do. This will not only prevent them from accidentally offending you but it will also give them etiquette to not say things like that to others in conversation.

Now, there are some SAHMs who need a little help being a SAHM, in the sense of figuring out ways to make the most of their time. What people fail to realize is that being a SAHM doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re tending to the kids all day. For one, you have other responsibilities in your home to tend to. Secondly, you don’t just have the title of SAHM. You are also your own person with dreams, hobbies, and aspirations.

According to scarymommy.com, there is no shame in wanting adult companionship. You can’t talk to your toddler the way you would another adult and sometimes you just need that mental break. When it comes to making the most of your time as a SAHM, it can be anything, big or small, as long as what you do makes you feel accomplished or makes you feel at peace. Take a look at some great ways to make the most of your time as a SAHM.

Exercise: You Don’t Have to Belong to a Gym to Workout!

The whole point of exercising is to get your heart rate up, right? Well, if that’s the case, then there are plenty of things you can do to exercise without setting foot in a gym. You can even get the kids involved too if that’s how you have to do it to get it done.

If you enjoy running or walking, grab the kiddo, get them strapped in their stroller and hit the friendly trail, park, or your neighborhood! Trying to strengthen your arms and legs? Have you tried holding your little one out in front of you and doing walking squats? Both your arms and legs will feel the same exact burn just like getting on a weight machine.

Start a Business: Those Who Don’t Go to Work, Work From Home

Just because you’re not commuting to work anymore doesn’t mean that you can’t work at all. There are so many mothers monetizing their business from the comfort of their own home that it’s predicted to be one of the top ways to earn an income.

In running a home-based business, you’re, of course, going to have to treat it like any other business, meaning you’re going to need to, at the very least, invest in a general liability policy for business insurance, create a work schedule, purchase a domain name for your website, and meet the needs of your customers, all while keeping a close eye on your little one.

This might seem a little overwhelming, but once you actually get started, it’s not that bad… if other SAHMs can do it, you can too!

Invest in a Nanny: Everyone Needs Help From Time to Time

By investing in a nanny a few times a week (even for a few hours), that’s going to give you time to do the things you want and need to do, whether it’s around the house, out and about to run errands, or making DIY Valentine’s Day wreaths to sell on your website.

The point is that in order to get certain things accomplished in your everyday life, sometimes you’re going to need a little help and there’s nothing wrong with that… you can’t be supermom all the time… sometimes you need a sidekick to help you out!

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