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Mac N Cheese Pockets (For leftovers!) Recipe

When it comes to comfort food, I always think of carbs or fried. It must be the southern in me,but nothing tastes better than a pot of homemade spaghetti and a side or bread or some crispy fried wings and mashed potatoes. But when it comes to kids, especially ones as picky as my daughter can be, comfort food takes a lot more brain power.

Now in my house there are two automatic yes’ when it comes to dinner for the Charlotte: Mac N Cheese and Chicken Strips.  Phoenyx is far less complicated and will eat a hamburger and my husband will eat just about anything in front of him but loves his Mac N Cheese MIXED with Hamburger. While normally that would perplex mom, I wanted to give you a quick and easy meal that you can make at home that will be sure to please every stomach in the house.

Additionally this recipe would be an easy way to use last nights leftovers in a unique and quick way (you could also use baked macaroni and cheese!) . So feel free to reserve this for the “day after” meals!

Mac N Cheese Pockets

(or hamburger or mac n cheese/hamburger…..)

  • Box of cooked Mac N Cheese
  • 1/2 pound beef, cooked and seasoned to your liking
  • Pillsbury Seamless Dough
  • Reynolds Wrap Foil

1) Preheat your over to 400 degrees.

2) Dust your counter with a little flour and roll out your Seamless Dough. Then use a round cup from your home to cut out perfectly sized circles. You will need one for the top and one for the bottom, so for every 2 circles you are making one pocket. I found that dusting a little flour on TOP of the tough assists in helping the cup cut cleanly as well.

3) Spread Circles out on a foil lined pan. You do not need to spray the foil! Add your cooked Mac N Cheese to some, hamburger to some, and even take a bowl and mix hamburger and mac N Cheese so you can do a combined pocket. Do not overfill or the sides wont close. I found that 1-2 spoonfuls worked great.



4) Put another circle of dough on the top and pinch around. Use a fork to push the sides together all the way around and a sharp knife to put an X in the top of the pie.


5) Cook for approx 8-10 minutes. Make sure you check your oven because all ovens are different in temperature and they do cook pretty quickly. The first batch I made I overcooked by a few minutes and burned the bottom.


6) Transfer your Pockets to a plate and then grab your Reynolds foil and toss! No mess, no fuss!



7) ENJOY!!!



  • I used microwave Mac N Cheese in a small tub to create these pockets. It only took 3 minutes and everyone agreed it tasted great. It saved a ton of prep time and because such a small amount is used in each tiny pocket, I think a large box may be overkill for an average family. I did put make a box in the recipe because I wasn’t sure how readily available single serve cups were available in all areas.  I also used Velveeta, not Kraft, mainly due to the shape.
  • Do not spray your foil or your dough will burn. The foil will provide the nonstick surface that you need!
  • I experimented with other doughs and while buttermilk biscuits do work, they are HUGE when they are done. They are also really bread like. The seamless dough and a cup to cut the shape is far better (and tasted better) for little hands.
  • Get creative! I added a few pieces of American cheese to my hamburger pocket to make it a cheese burger pocket.
  • Serve with a side of vegis or shoe string potatoes.
  • Do not be scared of the Mac N Cheese…out of everyone that tried them, that was voted hands down as the best tasting!

Feel free to share with me other comfort foods you love for your kids


11 thoughts on “Mac N Cheese Pockets (For leftovers!) Recipe”

  1. I would never have thought that these would be that easy to make. Do you have to let them sit very long to make them cool enough for little hands to hold them?

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