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I’m too Old for this…but I did it anyway.

This weekend I got a wild hair and decided to well…get some wild hair.

I am probably way too old to pull this off, but since it fades uber quick and Halloween is the perfect excuse, I decided to get some dip dying done. Unlike a lot of brave, brave people that do this at home, I went to a salon. I already have a variety of hair colors from past dye jobs and highlights, so I knew all the color would pull differently and better to put at the hands of a pro.

Dip Dying Experience

First, I tested out some chalks on my hair.

While this can give you an indication if you like the “look”, its not going to be a great indication of the actual colors that will come out. For example, the majority of the bottom of my hair is actually brown. Hot pink in the “chalk” shows up fine, but with dye to get it to show this loud, I’d have to first bleach than dye back pink. At any rate, here is the chalk tester.

It is VERY VERY messy on your fingers so if you want something long term, skip the chalk and go for a dye or a spray.

Temporary Hair Chalk Ulta Salon : MomDot.com

Second, I bravely booked the appointment!

Once there they have you look through a color booklet. I chose 5 colors – teal, dark blue, hot pink, dark purple, and light purple.

chomasilk hair dye

It’s hard to see in the dark blue bowls the color differences.


Third, here goes the color!

It went on the end like a typical foil. In most cases she did tips, in some she mixed up the colors like a rainbow which require a second sheet of foil to cover the already dyed hair. For me, the pink only really showed up on my blonde hair. Most of my hair took the purple, blue, and teal.

I had not planned to get more than 2 inches up, but the stylist got creative.

dip dyeing : MomDot.com

Dip Dyeing : Momdot.com

Off to the dryer for 30 minutes of heat and 15 minutes of cooling down.


Then rinse with COLD water.



Then I sorta panicked at all the dark hair!

But it was wet, so I took a deep breath and sat under the dryer for 30 minutes.

wet hair dip dyeing

Starting to dry. Still panicking.

dip dyeing momdot.com

Here is a final picture that was taken at the salon.

It was very dark in there so this shot is the best I could do on the ipad.

dip dyeing momdot.com

Once I got home, Chris took a picture in natural lighting:

dip dyeing momdot.com

And I took some myself today after a hair wash and some bright morning light..so these are probably the closest to what it looks like in real life.

BTW it causes a LOT of people to stare… P and I went to Babies R Us. I am not sure I look very motherly now.

dip dying

dip dyeing hair momdot.com

I do like this temporary fun look! In a few short weeks it will fade down a lot and then if I ever get sick of it, I can foil it back out.

Would you Dip Dye your hair?


42 thoughts on “I’m too Old for this…but I did it anyway.”

  1. I am much younger (27) but I have done the color. I had professional bleaching done on my light brown/dark blonde hair in 5 spots. Then I went home and put teal in my hair. Towards my roots it turned into a bright blue and further down towards the roots it turned into teal. When I got sick of that, I dyed the teal dark purple. I did my color at home but I have admired those done in salons. Looks good, not childish.

  2. I would. Right now I have purple streaks. They have “died” down to a violet, which can actually now look reddish in my dark brown hair. But I am redoing the purple later this month. Love it. Love color. Someone told me I should do it when I am young. (Turning 35 this month!) I think people should just do what they like and what makes them happy. It’s their head of hair, right?

      • Isn’t 35 when women become more sure of themselves? I remember reading that before, so that they are happier doing what makes them, well, happy. I am also happy because I thought I was turning 36 this month and my husband corrected me that it was 35. So then I did the math and he was right. I think I’ve been telling people the wrong age for most of the year. Stupid brain.

  3. I love it. I did it with pink at one point. Removing it was horrific. They said it would be easy, but I have naturally brown hair. I’ve bleached it out and re-dyed it at least 4 times and my whole head has a red tint STILL. I wish it came out as easy as they said it would! Yours looks good on you!

  4. I love it too! My hair is too dark for it, but I would love some funky color. I have been having my hair colored for way too long…1st grays that showed up and I was there. But I am to the point where when the girl says what are we doing with your color this time, I just tell her I trust her :). Maybe I will surprise her this time and have at least some funky color put in…whatever would work with dark hair…anyway, too cute!

  5. I love it! My hair is really dark brown, so I can’t really pull this off unless I bleach my hair first, but I have been wanting to do a very dark purple I saw on pinterest.

  6. You are SO not too old. I think it looks great. Like you I’m constantly doing something to my hair and I’ve been itching for something funky lately too. Besides going all punk rock red I’ve had a blue streak in my hair (go AF) and perhaps this time I’ll try some purple! I need a color that will go well with my red hair, though I may just go brunette for a bit!


  7. I think it looks great on you. I would dip dye my hair but I have really short hair now, so it wouldn’t work.

  8. I love it, it looks fabulous on you. I don’t think you’re too old at all, it is fun and like you said temporary! Very pretty color choices.

  9. Cute! I think if you do it again to go with a lighter color pallette, but it is adorable!! I’m a natural hair-color only kind of gal. 🙂 My hubs pointed out my first couple grey hairs (I JUST turned 30!) and I said, oh well….

  10. I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE it, it makes me want to go get it done now. My husband is sitting next to me and said he likes it, he would like me to get it.

    I wonder if I would get a much of weird looks at work. I totally love it!!!

  11. It turned out so so cute! I understand the stares. I got then for 4 weeks with my bright red that turned to pink. I colored it and it’s back to brown but like you said, it’s fun for a bit. Do you find yourself not wearing certain colors because of it? I avoided green for an entire month because I didn’t want to look like a Christmas tree. 😉

  12. It’s so cute! I love it! I wish my hair was lighter so I can try this look but I’m not bleaching my dark dark hair! So I’m going to live vicariously through you it looks amazing!

  13. I am in love with your hair! It is so beautiful! I am 31 and was feeling “too old” to add any funky colors to my hair but you know what? Forget it! I’m going to do it anyway! It’s just hair,it doesn’t change who I am.I am excited to do it now,so thank you!You look gorgeous!

  14. VERY cool! I REALLY want to do this with my hair. My hubs would LOVE it! Hmmm, my birthday is in a couple of weeks…. I just might do it too! You look really good and I love the hair!

  15. So cool. I really love it and thanks for explaining how it works! I would love to have a blue stripe or two for autism awareness.

  16. Love it! I always wanted to do some pink in my hair. But I am quite sure it would take need some bleaching first. My hair is a flat brown,

  17. I’m so tempted to dye my hair black with purple tips.. however I’m waiting for some gray hair to show up first. I’ve never dyed my hair once so I’m terrified to lose my natural color – that being said I loveeee your hair and adore the colors you chose!

    • The bottom of my hair is much darker (and the back ) that the foiled blonde so the purple soaked up well….and the blue. The teal and pink really only showed up on the blonde bits. I do think id like to redo this hot pink. Chris is trying to convince me to dye the entire thing purple.

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