Welcome to my newest Mason Jar Craft! Chances are you love mason jars as much as I do so this new Drip Painting Mason Jar (Christmas version) should be perfect. I love mason jars for all types of the year and the holidays are a beautiful way to display or gift them. Once decorated, you can easily add items in your jars like bells, candy canes or peppermints! I dont recommend putting unwrapped items in this type of mason jar craft as the paint can get into the food if not perfectly sealed. The images show an unsealed version.
Ball Pint Regular Mouth Jars and Lids BPABall Half Pint Regular Mouth Jars and Lids
Ball Mason 4oz Quilted Jelly Jars with Lids
Ball Jar 1pt Ball Mason Jars, Case of
If you want to see some past mason jar ideas, please feel free to check out these before you go.
- Drip Painted Mason Jars (4th of July!) This also includes a video of this technique so if you want to see where this is headed, that page will help
- Mason Jar Fairy House
- Captured Butterfly Mason Jar
- Glitter Snowman Mason Jar
- Halloween Drip Painted Mason Jars
- Mason Jar Soap Dispenser
- How to paint a mason jar
- Gold Painted Mason Jars (see the kinds of paint I used)
- Scrub recipes in mason jars
- Mason Jar Nightlight
- Element Jars
- Big Dipper Mason Jar
- Love Potion
- Constellation Jars
- Fairy Jar
- Calming Jar
- Galaxy Jar
- Spice Jars
Now that you are all caught up around here, let’s get started. First, you will need a few things!
Drip Painting Mason Jar (Christmas version)
- Milk paint
This is the paint I use in these crafts. I find that the colors ring true and they dry pretty quickly. They are also easy to control when you pour. They do kinda stink though- I have gotten used to it but it puts off a sour type smell
- mason jars
– note that while so many love Ball Mason Jars
, after doing this project I would prefer to find mason jars with no decor on them. You can typically pick them up at a Dollar Tree ( I get mine at Hobby Lobby). I think when you do paint on the outside it can chip too easily with the extra designs. If you do prefer to use Ball Mason jars or mason jars with extras on them, you may want to seal your paint from chipping.
Drip Painting Jars work the best with Milk Paint! I have tried tons of kinds and these have the best results. You can find a variety of colors by clicking here. If you would like to seal and finish your jars so they last for years to come, these items help as well for that.
FolkArt Milk Paint in Assorted Colors (6.8 Ounce),FolkArt Milk Paint Bonding Primer and Sealer (6.8
FolkArt Milk Paint Finishing Oil (3.7 Ounce), 38938
Instructions for drip painting:
You can see how these two techniques are done here on the Halloween Drip Painted Jar tutorial if you want a specific breakdown. You can either turn on the side and pour in stripes till you have the look you want, filling in gaps or leaving see through in some places. If you pick the jar up before its dry, the paint swirls slowly. You can adjust the paint colors at that point or turn it the other direction to get designs you want, then lay back down to dry. Anther way is to turn the jar upside down and start pouring in stripes from the bottom, making streaks. You can see this broken down in a longer mason jar drip painting tutorial here.
Ball Pint Regular Mouth Jars and Lids BPABall Half Pint Regular Mouth Jars and Lids
Ball Mason 4oz Quilted Jelly Jars with Lids
Ball Jar 1pt Ball Mason Jars, Case of
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