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Peppermint Christmas Slime : Recipe for Slime with Glue

Peppermint Christmas Slime is a super fun way to bring the colors and smells of Christmas into your slime play! This slime recipe with glue is so fun with its beautiful green and red sparkles and is a perfect science and sensory experiment for kids! I don’t know about you, but when I have been at the store and purchasing any type of play dough, slime, gak, or anything ooey gooey its generally expensive and in tiny tiny containers. Now I know not everyone is into DIYing their own slime and that is totally OK, but making homemade slime is so easy that we are sharing a “Perfect Slime Every Time” recipe that can be used as a base for EVERY slime you create. This is the same recipe we are going to use to make this Peppermint Christmas Slime!

Peppermint Christmas Slime, perfect recipe every time

Recipe for Slime with Glue

If you are doing Christmas slime, you can alter for colors and Christmas smells (I like cinnamon, peppermint, or spruce), Halloween slime is more of a black and orange plus nutmeg, cinnamon, or pumpkin, or you can go straight sensory by using a clear slime and adding sparkles, confetti or tiny toys like rings or beads.

Either way getting the slime recipe itself right is the most important thing and let me tell you that this is EASY.

Plus, its pretty fun. Just look at this Peppermint Christmas Slime! Gorgeous, right? I love the way the red, green and sparkles mix to make a fantastic fun slime that smells amazing too! Can you imagine the delight of your kids getting to participate in the creation of, and then playing with, this special slime?? You can also have some extra fun by learning how to make glow in the dark slime and making the green in your Christmas Slime Glow!

Peppermint Christmas Slime, perfect recipe every time


Love the Slime Recipes on MomDot? Our first book has been published and you can pick up a copy right on Amazon for yourself or to gift to a slime fan in your house! It features not only some fun basic slime recipes and how to get started on creating your own, but also some ways to use slime for holidays and gifts! Check out the book here! 

Peppermint Christmas Slime

Follow slime directions except only add red or green food coloring and 2-3 drops peppermint oil (Or cinnamon bark!) to the glue mixture before adding the starch.


Now first, before you embark on this adventure, know that slime can be messy. I mean, that is the entire point. Its also super pretty and very tempting to taste. This slime recipe is NOT MEANT TO EAT. Please create with caution, therefore if your children are at an age of swallowing it all or licking fingers, try edible slime recipe instead.

Peppermint Christmas Slime, perfect recipe every time

Peppermint Christmas Slime, perfect recipe every time


How to make Peppermint Christmas Slime

This holiday slime is so fun to play with or to gift! You can learn how to make slime in many ways and this one teaches you how to make slime with no borax, which many people prefer.

Peppermint Christmas Slime, perfect recipe every time

Christmas Slime Recipe with Glue

Pour your Elmer’s glue into a cup (red solo cups work great for this), add the tbsp. of water, food coloring and glitter and mix well with the craft stick.

Add liquid starch.

Keep stirring and it will start to form.

Then take out of the cup and begin kneading.

If the slime is too sticky, add a little bit of starch at a time (about 1 tsp or less)

Store in sealed container that has no air. If your slime is exposed to air too long, it dries out.

Why do you create slime without Borax?

PRO TIP: Many people do not like to deal with borax and water when making slime. I use LIQUID STARCH and glue in almost slimes, although I do host a saline solution slime as well if you prefer not to use either. When using starch however, simply use about 1/3rd cup starch in 1/2 cup glue and add starch little by little until you get the slime consistency you want. Once it’s set, then separate the white slime and dye the colors you want in solo cups. Please note if you use CLEAR glue or GLITTER GLUE you typically need more starch to get a slime consistency, as much as an entire cup.

It can be pretty hard to find liquid starch, so pick this one up here (it’s the one I use) as well as a huge thing of glue so you can make tons of slime for all occasions. Buying this way is a lot more cost effective and once you start making slime, you will def want to have glue on hand!


Purex Sta-Flo Liquid Starch, 64 OuncePurex Sta-Flo Liquid Starch, 64 OunceElmer's School Glue, Washable, 1 GallonElmer’s School Glue, Washable, 1 Gallon

Slime Videos

Here are several slime videos you can watch to get to know our slime ideas and recipes a bit more, including some fun ideas on what to do with slime!

How to make Bubbles with your Slime

Make Unicorn Poop Slime with CLEAR Glue

How to make Kinetic Slime – An experiment

Other Slimes you will Love


Now we love slime so much we have other homemade slimes being published here this month so you can get ready to take your holiday crafting by storm.

Love slimy things? Follow my Slime Recipes board on Pinterest.
