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Santa’s Lumps of Coal: A Simple Cookie Recipe

With only two ingredients and 15 minutes chill time in the freezer, Santa’s Lumps of Coal can be a fun addition to your Christmas Cookie repertoire.

While I do believe that my children are angels, for the most part, there have definitely been times in their lives that I’ve put them #1 on the Naughty List for a week or two.  Santa has never given them real Lumps of Coal, but believe you me, he’s been tempted. Countdown to Christmas with this adorable Santa Countdown Calendar!

CADEN: While cleaning my kitchen one afternoon, I heard, “thump, thump, thump, *pause,* scream,” come from around the corner.  I ran up to find 1-year old Keilie at the bottom of the stairs, crying her little eyes out, with 3- year old Caden sitting like King Tutt on his throne just three steps up.  When I asked him if he’d pushed her down the stairs (wood stairs to a wood landing mind you), his reply was matter-of-fact, “It was not me, it was my foot.”  Santa considered a Lump of Coal that year.

KEILIE: While removing a toilet that wouldn’t flush after multiple sweaty plunger workouts, Randy found a twice-baked potato wedged deep in the pipes.  You read that right: Twice. Baked. Potato!    The culprit: 13- year old Keilie.  Not 2-year old Keilie, not 6- year old Keilie– 13- year old Keilie!  Santa considered half a Lump of Coal that year.  A full Lump felt much too generous.I have many more such stories, but you get the idea– sometimes Santa is tempted to give Lumps of Coal for real.  Real or in jest, in place of presents on Christmas morning or throughout the Season, these cookies come together so effortlessly, Santa will instantly put you on the Nice List. Bonus points if you provide this Reindeer food when he visits!  (Watch out– they Poop!)

Looking for Cookies for Santa?  Try these Christmas Copycat Lofthouse Sugar Cookies, or these Peppermint & White Chocolate Cookies!  Top of the Nice List forever, I guarantee it!


Like my Peanut Butter and Lemon Oreo Truffles, you’ll need just two ingredients: Oreos and 8oz. Cream Cheese.First, if you have a food processor, crush up an entire package of Oreos to a fine crumble.  However, if you are like me and do not own such a modern convenience, crush them in a sealable gallon-size bag with a rolling pin.  (Maybe I’ll use my Dear Santa Letter or Dear Santa Fill-In Letter to ask for a food processor this year…)


With the Oreos crushed, blend the crumbs together with the Cream Cheese.  The more you mix, the blacker they’ll become.

Next, spoon a Tablespoon of the mixture onto a parchment line baking sheet.

Don’t forget: They’re not meant to be perfect or look uniform and pretty.  The lumpier the better.

Helpful Hint: Because there will be no spreading during the bake, seeing as these are a no-bake treat, you can place them as close together on the sheet as you’d like.

Lastly, place them in the freezer to chill for 15 minutes.

These would also fit perfectly in these Christmas Cans!! Tip: Because these contain Cream Cheese, you’ll need to store them in the refrigerator.Another Lump of Coal Idea:  If you are doing Elf of the Shelf (15 Easy Elf Ideas here), you might suggest to your kids that they give the Elf a Lump of Coal this year, if he is particularly Naughty!  If Elf has become too much this year, don’t forget this Urgent Elf Recall!  I’ve got your back, my friends!


Christmas Sugar Cookies

Easy Gingerbread Cookies

Christmas Crack Ritz Crackers

Christmas Rock Candy


2 thoughts on “Santa’s Lumps of Coal: A Simple Cookie Recipe”

  1. Lump of Coal bars are made with 1(36count) any flavor pkg. Oreos crushed in food processor. Make like Rice Krispie Treats with 1(10oz) pkg. marshmallows and 4 T. butter/margarine melted together. Smooth out in a square foil-lined pan. Remove foil from pan and cut into bars. I can get 36 bars (4×9) out of 1 pan. These do not have to be refrigerated. NOTE-do not use double-stuffed Oreos.
    The recipe you have is delish but only know it as Oreo Truffles.

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